Rainbow Bridge Dedication
The Sun City Center’s CA Dog Owner’s Group held a dedication ceremony for their newly installed Rainbow Bridge.
The Rainbow Bridge is where your special pets wait for you after they pass on, so you can enter heaven together. We are blessed to have a replica of the original bridge in Lake Lure, North Carolina. Our very own Rainbow Bridge, where we can place collars, tags, or leashes in remembrance of our dear pets.
In attendance were CA President Ron Clark, Directors Carrie Blaylock, Geri Roberts, and Roger Zieg. Lyn Reitz, the CA manager also attended as well as many members of the D.O.G. (Dog Owners Group) Club. Our Club is very fortunate to have the support of the CA Directors and Manager.
A special thank you to Pastor Edwin Gonzales-Gertz from St. Andrews Presbyterian Church for giving the prayer and dedication.
The D.O.G. members also wish to thank Kerry Didday for building the eight-foot bridge, Terry Childress for painting the bridge, Sam and CA maintenance crew for leveling the bridge, and Ben Mayes for landscaping the area. Refreshments of cupcakes, cookies, and a cold, fruity punch was enjoyed by all.